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Natural Intestinal Rejuvenation

Healthy Gut

VILLA EDEN's "Healthy Gut" program offers a complete and individual innovative path for intestinal wellbeing.

The first step is the FLORA test, i.e. an advanced analysis of the intestinal microbiome, which allows you to personalize the nutritional treatments and add specific probiotics based on individual needs.

It then uses sessions lasting 30 minutes of endogenous thermotherapy localized on the intestine, to stimulate circulation and promote optimal functioning; the program continues with intravenous therapy, with a cocktail of micronutrients selected to optimize intestinal health and balance, followed by an ozone insufflation session, which aims to reduce inflammation and rebalance the intestinal flora.


This integrated, customized approach is ideal for those seeking a transformative experience in the field of gut health, but also overall.



  • 1 FLORA test
  • 3 sessions of endogenous intestinal thermotherapy lasting 30 minutes
  • 2 “Intestine Health” intravenous therapies
  • 3 intestinal insufflations of ozone


Program price: € 1.500


Note: The program can be combined with one of the other programs.