On the journey to Your well-being

With just a few clicks, you will soon revel in the exceptional offerings of our VILLA EDEN. Simply share your desired travel dates with us, and we eagerly look forward to crafting an extraordinary stay for you.


Longevity Special Check-up

A future of health and serenity... the desire that dwells in each of us.


Through a balanced lifestyle, proper nutrition and innovative analysis techniques, you can achieve lasting well-being.

These innovative longevity medicine analysis techniques allow us to measure various lifestyle parameters and detect the body's potential, in order to create a strategy with our medical staff to restore health and enjoy lasting well-being. 



  • Nutri-genetic test - GENO DIET TEST
  • Test – healthy intestines
  • Oxidative stress test and antioxidant potential
  • Skin check-up
  • Blood analysis to establish the anti-aging profile


Package price: € 2.000


Note: The above-mentioned program does not include accommodations.